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The joys of compost toilets

Compost toilets come in all shapes and sizes, from hand built cabins on the mountainside, to off the shelf systems. You may have used one at a festival, nature reserve,…
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Eye in the Sky

An innovative new project combining state-of-the-art monitoring methods with citizen science will provide a  picture of the changing landscape of ‘Living Wales’, helping improve environmental decision making. Brook Woodman reports.
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Make do and mend

With so many products pre-programmed to fail and difficult to fix, it’s little wonder that so many items end up on the scrapheap, but a growing global movement aims to…
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Waste not, want not

In the Welsh seaside town of Aberystwyth, an innovative environmental group has been formed to tackle food waste. CAT graduate Chris Woodfield introduces Aber Food Surplus. Around 1.3 billion tonnes of food…
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