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Rethinking household energy provision: new courses at CAT teach how to install renewables in the home

Rethinking household energy provision: new courses at CAT teach how to install renewables in the home

Home » Rethinking household energy provision: new courses at CAT teach how to install renewables in the home

The Centre for Alternative Technology (CAT) has announced a new suite of short courses to enable people to reduce their carbon emissions by installing renewable technologies. Starting in April, students can learn about domestic wind turbines, solar panels and more, and how they can install them in their homes, gardens and community centres.

The series of six short courses comes in response to the need to reach net zero greenhouse gas emissions as quickly as possible to avoid disastrous climate change. The courses will focus on readily available renewable technologies for all areas of home energy provision, from electricity to hot water.

The series will start with a weekend long introductory course, followed by five once monthly day courses providing in-depth information on specific renewable technologies. The one day courses will cover costs and savings, installation basics and potential carbon reductions.

DR Alan Owen calculating efficiencies of a micro-hydro system

For heat provision there are courses on solar thermal hot water, biomass and heat pumps while the courses on wind turbines and solar panels will look at electricity provision.

Measuring voltage and current

The series will equip participants with the skills and knowledge to implement different renewable technologies in their homes.

John Challen, CAT’s Head of Eco Centre said of the courses:

Understanding where our energy comes from, how we use it and knowing that we have the power to change the way we do both is a big step in effective action on climate change. Renewables are easier and more accessible than people think, and we’re excited to be running this new suite of courses to show people just that.

The first course, ‘Introduction to Renewables for Households‘, takes place 18-19 April 2020. This is the first in a series of monthly courses exploring renewable energy technologies. This first weekend course gives an overview of several renewables, you can also increase your knowledge further by coming on any of the follow on courses: