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A Green New Deal for Homes

As the campaign for a Green New Deal gathers pace in both Britain and the US, Jonathan Atkinson looks at how it could help transform UK housing.
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Climate jobs

As we transition away from an economy based on fossil fuels towards zero carbon there is the potential for the creation of hundreds of thousands of new green jobs. Anne…
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Doing architecture differently

CAT’s Masters in Sustainable Architecture course explores a wide range of solutions for sustainability. Here we take a look at some of our students’ final design projects to see how…
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Ask an expert: eco refurbishments

Want to refurbish your home in a sustainable way? With over 25 years’ experience, including as tutor on CAT’s Eco Refurbishment course, Nick Parsons has some great advice – here…
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Natural Urbanism

In the second in our series on sustainable cities, Paul Chatterton looks at how designers are connecting to and learning from the natural world, helping transform the relationship between urban dwellers…
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New MSc courses starting this September

Our new postgraduate courses continue to take shape, the courses in Sustainability and Behaviour Change, Sustainability and Ecology are now fully validated by our university partner, Liverpool John Moores University, whilst…
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Zero emission cities

Tackling climate change requires radical changes to the way we live, which will mean transforming urban spaces to break free from fossil fuel dependency. Paul Chatterton looks at how cities…
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